All the septic tank systems or septic tanks are aerated since there are three kinds of bacteria in the septic system processing the waste. They are aerobic, obligate anaerobic and facultative. Aerobic bacteria require compressed air or oxygen and are more aggressive. But, aerobic bacteria are very few in the tank. Conventional septic systems mainly have facultative bacteria that also require oxygen but the bacteria can also strip oxygen molecules from various other sources if the water is non-aerated. This produces a very bad odor since hydrogen sulfide is emitted due to the process. If you want bacteria not to produce H2S gas, you need to aerate the facultative bacteria here. Septic tank aerator helps in the elimination of hydrogen sulfide. This is done by aerating influent flow and then supplying oxygen to facultative bacteria.

How to use septic system aerator?
You can place septic system aerator or diffuser at the influent end of your tank. The aerator will minimize mixing of solid suspension into the treatment tank. It hardly matters where you put the aerator since no solid will be suspended. There is no need for any effluent filter when you use an aerator septic. When there is oxygen in the tank, the bacteria will more aggressively decompose the waste matter.
Efficient water treatment under aerated condition
If the conditions are aerated, there will be better waste treatment in the tank. Hence, the effluent that leaves the septic tank will be much cleaner. So, the load from soil treatment area is almost taken off to improve the life of the septic system. Septic tank aerator pump eases the process of tank aeration.
If you install a diffuser, the air flow will be managed automatically. With the float system, the air will be dissolved completely. The removal of solid waste is enhanced and the gas is odor free.