Previously, a septic tank was constructed using a prototype of cement and clay pipes made around 1860 by John Mouras of France. Today, a basic wastewater system generally has a capacity of one thousand to two thousand liters – the typical tank supplies with an inflow port of the infrastructure and an exhaust port that would lead to the distribution box. The location of the distribution box is between the tank and the leaching field, whereby the residues of the digested wastewater discharge into the discharge field.
Manufacturers state that for maintaining the system, septic tank supplies must be added to treat wastewater such as chemicals or other additives necessary for the proper functioning of the system. One example is the use of organic solvents to unlock or degrease septic tank disposal systems.

However, experts say that if you do this, you will only make your system and soil worse than good. For this reason, the use of these additives is considered unnecessary by some states in the United States and even illegal in some countries.
Adding septic supply products such as yeast, bacteria or enzymes to your digester, hoping to add more bacteria that can degrade your waste is a misuse of money and can even be detrimental to your system in the long run. The waste we produce daily, especially the waste we remove from our bodies, already contains enough bacteria to do the dirty work in the tank. And with the speed at which bacteria can multiply, there is no shortage of bacteria.
The addition of yeast may contribute to excessive bacterial activity in the reservoir, which may result in solids collection. The solid particles land in the drainage field and clog the ground, which would be very bad if you do not get professional help. If you try to treat yourself and buy chemicals to solve the problem of clogged soil, chemicals can penetrate the water level and make your water insurmountable.
There is no need to buy all those septic tank products that will only cause much suffering in the long run. Sit down, relax and let the bacteria in your natural septic tank do all the work.